Drafting up an about page and facing writer’s block? This page seems to be the most likely to stop you in your tracks. How do you talk about yourself without seeming too proud, but while also avoiding a corporate, resume feel? Here are unique about page examples that show you exactly how to do this.

About page examples
If you’re wondering what to include, here are a few ideas to turn that blank page into an engaging piece of content that your audience will eat up!
Want to see these pages in live form?
Check out the Belle Bodas about page.
See the Bari Elexa Events website.
Browse Mary Claire Photography’s about page.
The backstory
This is the most resume-esque part of an about page, but that doesn’t mean it has to be lackluster. The backstory is your opportunity to explain the roots of your business.
Clients often what to know — why should I trust you? Why should I pick you over someone else? THIS gets to the heart of that problem!
You can include…
- Where your industry experience began
- What intrigued you about the industry
- How long you’ve been in your industry
- How many clients you’ve served
- Previous experience and how it applies to what you do now
Peek my about page here if you want to read a backstory that doesn’t feel like a resume.

Include a section that’s NOT about you
What? But it’s your about page! I know what you must be thinking, but there is logic behind this notion!
While your about page exists to tell potential clients what you’ve got going on, its main goal is to book those clients, right? So if you spend an entire page, even your about page, writing about yourself, you’re sending the wrong message.
Clients want to see that you understand them, you know what they want and you will do everything in your power to make their dreams come true.
So while it’s definitely okay to introduce yourself, mention your backstory and share what you have in common, don’t forget to include a piece of content that has very little to do with the personal facts about you.
Here are ideas to get your wheels spinning.
- Mission statement — why do you do what you do? (Make sure this focuses on what your client gets out of it and not what your personal goals might consist of.)
- Values — what’s at the core of your business? In every client experience, what can they expect? (For me, creativity is a big part of this!)
- Story of understanding — share a story that aligns with potential clients. Did you struggle with the same thing too once? How did you fix it?
A few personal traits
If you run a creative, personable business, fun facts are basically a requirement for the about page.
Here’s why — fun facts create common ground for you and your audience. You might have some things in common and it’s these elements that build trust.
While your audience cares mostly about how successful you’ll help them become, the fun facts make the whole thing just that — fun! When you and your clients have similarities, it can make it so much enjoyable for both parties.
It’s the best when you work successfully with a client, and yet also laugh about the kiddos, mountain biking and DIY home projects (which are a few of my faves).
I’ve seen so many creatives work with clients who align with them personality-wise, which then contributes to a happy project as a whole.
Isn’t that just so cool? An about page, although it can be the absolute hardest to write, can lead to clients that adore you, your work and will trust you with it all.
Do you have any killer about page examples? Share below and find me on Instagram for more website tips!